Aadhaar Card in Assam: How to get Aadhar in Assam Easily [Updated]
Do you want to Apply for Aadhaar Card in Assam? Then you are in the right place.
Earlier the Enrolment of Aadhaar was kept on hold in Assam due to Updation of National Register of Citizens 1951.
Finally, on 30 July 2018, the final draft of the National Register of Citizens(NRC) was published.
After the updation of NRC rule, all the people from Assam are eligible to apply for an Aadhar Card. It includes all the districts in Assam including Guwahati, Bhangagarh and others.
Aren’t you excited to apply for an Aadhaar? Well, Today I am going to share with you How you can easily Apply for an Aadhaar Card in Assam. So without further ado, let’s get started.
Ways to Get an Aadhaar Card in Assam
There are two ways by which you can get your Aadhar card in Assam-
1. Online
2. Offline
Both the ways are right and compensate each other, and I am going to talk about both these ways in details, so be sure to fully read it to be cautious of any problem.
Apply for Aadhaar Card in Assam Online
Before I start the process I want to convey that Online process doesn’t mean that it is entirely online; For Verification and document submitting you have to go to the Nearest Aadhaar Enrolment Centre yourself.
But How can I Apply Aadhaar Online?
Have patience, there are two ways, and I will tell both of them in step by step procedure.
Online Way #1
1. Go to the UIDAI Official Site.

2. Click on “Enrolment & Update Centres in Banks & Post offices” under Aadhaar Enrolment which will redirect you to another page.

3. Select State from Top Menu and Choose “Assam” as State
4. Further enter your District, Sub District, and VTC(Village Town City) according to where you live.

5. Tick mark “Only Permanent Centers”, Enter the Verification Code, and click on the Search Button.

6. Now you will see your Nearest Aadhaar Enrolment Centre in Assam in Banks and Post Offices where you can visit for next process.
If you don’t want to visit a Bank or Post office for Enrolment Process, then you can find a Dedicated Enrolment Aadhar Centre in Assam too by following the above procedure.
If you are alright with Banks & Post Offices, then go to the Next Procedure Now.
Online Way #2
This method is similar to the previous process, but this time you will get a dedicated Enrolment Centre.
1. Head over to UIDAI Official website.

2. Click on “Locate Enrolment & Update Centres” which will redirect you to another page.

3. Select State from Top Menu and Choose “Assam” as State
4. Further enter your District, Sub District, and VTC(Village Town City) according to where you live.

5. Click on Only Permanent Centres, Enter your Verification Code and click on Search Button.

6. Done, Now you will see all the nearest Aadhar card franchise in Assam/ Enrolment Centre where you can Apply for Aadhaar Card Easily.
As I had said earlier, online and offline methods complement each other so now as the online procedure is finished, you have to follow the offline one to complete the process of Enrolling Aadhar in Assam.
How to Get Aadhaar Card in Assam
After finding the nearest Enrolment Centre, it’s time to visit the centre and complete the Process of Enrolment.
This process includes filling the Enrolment/Correction form, Submitting POI, POA, DOB Document(I will tell), giving Biometrics and more.
So without further ado, let’s get started.

1. Download the Aadhaar Enrolment form from here, print it, and fill it, You can also visit your nearest Enrolment Centre and get the form from there.
Either way, you have to fill the form, so it’s better to fill it at home.
2. Get a copy of Valid Proof of Address(POA), Valid Proof of Identity(POI), and DOB Document which you have to submit later. You can check the Valid POA and POI from here and DOB from here.

3. Visit your nearest Enrolment Centre and submit your Enrolment form and Documents to the Aadhaar Officials.
Note – Don’t forget to take your Original Documents as the officials may ask for Original Documents for a glance.

4. Aadhaar Officials will take your Biometrics (FingerPrints and Retina Scan) and a picture of your face to be printed on your Aadhar.
5. After all the steps you will get your Aadhaar Acknowledgement slip which contains your Enrolment ID that will be used to know the status of your Aadhar.

6. Done, Your Aadhar Package will reach you within 90 Days or 3 months.
After enroling, you can do two things –
If you want to check the Status of your Aadhaar, then you should visit the first link otherwise if you are in immediate need of Aadhaar and can not wait for 90 days for receiving your card then click on the second link.
Aadhar Card Center In Guwahati, Assam
Agency Name | Center Summary |
THE CHIEF POSTMASTER GENERAL, ASSAM CIRCLE GUWAHATI | DOP, 781001, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
ALLAHABAD BANK | ALLAHABAD BANK, ALB-DARWIN, C.K. ROAD, RANIBARI, PANBAZAR, GUWAHATI-781001, ASSAM, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
HDFC Bank Limited | hdfc0000399, HDFC BANK LTD FANCY BAZAR BRANCH GUWAHATI, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
Punjab National Bank | Punjab National Bank, FANCY BAZAR, HB Road, Near Shani Mandir, Fancy Bazar., Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
Indian Overseas Bank | INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, M.L. NEHRU ROAD, PANBAZAR, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
Bank of Baroda | BARB0ATROAD, purbi complex second floor at road guwahati, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
Punjab National Bank | Punjab National Bank, S.r.c.b.road, Fancy Bazar, Charu Market, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
DENA BANK | guwahati, BKDN0910587, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
Union Bank Of INDIA | UBIN0577715, UBIN0577715 , Bsnl Bhavan Pan Bazar 781001, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
Bank of India | BKID0005000, BANK OF INDIA- GUWAHATI MAIN BRANCH, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
IDBI Bank Ltd | IBKL0002150, K B COMPLEX 1ST FLOOR S J ROAD ATHGAON, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
HDFC Bank Limited | HDFC0000399, HDFC BANK LTD, MISHRA HEM BARUA ROAD,JAIL ROAD, FANCY BAZAR,.GUWAHATIASSAM, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
United Bank Of India | Guwahati, Panbazar Guwahati, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
Punjab National Bank | PUNJAB NATATINOL BANK, A T ROAD BRANCH PIN NO 781001, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
State Bank of India | SBIN0000078, SBI GUWAHAATI PAND BAZAR, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
Oriental Bank of Commerce | oriantal bank of commerce, lakhtokia, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
Oriental Bank of Commerce | obc bank, Hem Barua Road, Pan Bazar, Guwahati – 781001, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
HDFC Bank Limited | HDFC BANK LTD, Fancy Bazar Branch, Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam – 781001 |
Valid DOB Document for Aadhar
Birth Certificate |
Passport |
School card |
Valid Proof of Address and Proof of Identity
Proof of Identity | Proof of Address |
Passport | Passport |
Pan Card | Bank Statement/ Passbook |
Ration/PDS Photo Card | Post Office Account Statement/Passbook |
Voter ID | Ration ID |
Driving License | Voter ID |
Government Photo ID Cards/ Service Photo Identity Card issued by PSU | Driving License |
NREGS Job Card | Government Photo ID Cards/ Service Photo Identity Card issued by PSU |
Photo ID issued by Recognized Educational Instituion | Electricity Bill(Not Older than 3 month) |
Arms License | Water Bill(not older than 3 months) |
Photo Bank ATM Card | Telephone Landline Bill(Not older than 3 months) |
Photo Credit Card | Property Tax Receipt(not older than 3 months) |
Pensioner Photo Card | Credit Card Statement(not older than 3 months) |
Freedom Fighter Photo Card | Insurance Policy |
Kissan Photo Passbook | — |
CGHS / ECHS Photo Card | Signed Letter Having Photo from Bank on Letterhead |
CGHS / ECHS Photo Card | Signed Letter Having Photo Issued by Registered Company on Letterhead |
Address Card Having Name and Photo Issued by Department of Posts | Signed Letter Having Photo issued by Recognized Education Instruction on letterhead |
Certificate of Identity having Photo issued by Gazetted Officer or Tehsildar on letterhead | NREGS Job Card |
Disability ID Card/handicapped medical certificate issued by the respective State/UT Government/Administrations | Arms License |
— | Pensioner Card |
— | Freedom Fighter Card |
— | Kissan Passbook |
— | CGHS / ECHS |
— | Certificate of Address having photo issued by MP or MLA or Gazetted Officer or Tehsildar on letterhead |
— | Certificate of Address issued by Village Panchayat head or its equivalent authority (for rural areas) |
— | Income Tax Assessment Order |
— | Vehicle Registration Certificate |
— | Registered Sale / Lease / Rent Agreement |
— | Address Card Having Photo issued by Department of Posts |
— | Caste and Domicile Certificate having Photo issued by State Govt |
— | Disability ID Card/handicapped medical certificate issued by the respective State/UT Governments/Administrations |
— | Gas Connection Bill (not older than 3 months) |
— | Passport of Spouse |
— | Passport of Parents(in case of Minor) |
— | Allotment letter of accommodation issued by Central/State Govt. of not more than 3 years old |
— | Marriage Certificate issued by the Government, containing Address. |